Your customers will appreciate an experience that matches your brand. An optimized layout and perfect playlist help too. Learn more here.



Brick and Mortar Guide

Creating an Excellent Atmosphere for Customers

Your customers will appreciate an experience that matches your brand. An optimized layout and perfect playlist help too. Learn more here.

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Brick and Mortar Guide

Creating an Excellent Atmosphere for Customers

Your customers will appreciate an experience that matches your brand. An optimized layout and perfect playlist help too. Learn more here.

Customers love shopping in stores. When given a choice, 46 percent of people would rather shop in person than online, and 26 percent enjoy the overall experience of shopping in a store. Are you making your atmosphere pleasant for these shoppers?

Creating an excellent atmosphere for customers means the following:

  • Matching your brand to the experience
  • Optimizing your store layout
  • Playing the perfect music

Let's tease out these ideas, so you can create an experience your shoppers will never forget.

Support Your Brand Personality

What can people tell about your brand when they walk into your shop? You can control that critical first impression if you understand your brand personality.

Brand personality is an industry term describing the human characteristics attributed to a brand based on the product, marketing images, retail atmosphere, online presence, and more. It is a framework that helps companies understand and subsequently shape how potential customers feel about the product.

These are the five main types of brand personality:

  1. Excitement
  2. Sincerity
  3. Ruggedness
  4. Competence
  5. Sophistication

People are more likely to purchase a brand they believe reflects their personality. For example, men tend to buy items that invoke ruggedness and competence, while women may aim for things that reflect sincerity or sophistication.

In every decision you make about your atmosphere, keep your brand in mind. Each choice should help consumers understand what you stand for and why they should buy from you.

Create the Perfect Layout

Once you have landed on your brand’s personality, you can begin to design your store’s layout.

These are some general rules for a good store layout:

  • Maintain a high degree of cleanliness, including reducing visual clutter.
  • Keep a clear path that winds through different areas of similar products, encouraging people to dwell over related items they may wish to purchase.
  • Make sure that the checkout counter and knowledgeable sales staff are easy to find and well trained.

Wondering how to create an excellent atmosphere for customers? Start by keeping things clean. These tips can help:

  • Start with the entrance. Make sure the first space your customers see is clean and clear of clutter. 
  • Sweep and mop regularly. Sticky, dusty floors can lead to trips and slips. They can also make your environment look dirty. Clean the floors when you open, and ask your staff to sweep throughout the shift. 
  • Clean the lights. Dust your fixtures regularly and replace the bulbs when they burn out. 
  • Keep it organized. Stock store shelves when your customers aren’t present. Don’t leave boxes in the aisles. 

Ensure that your staff members know that cleanliness is part of your brand.

Let's dig a little deeper and help you really wow your customers.


Putting your products on display is the number one reason anyone should start a retail store. Doing so artfully (placing them in a path that allows customers to see everything you have and arranging them, so groups of items are near related items) is the foundation to making a good in-store display.

However, minimalism is important. Too many things on a shelf can lead to clutter, disorganization, and even a feeling like your store is unclean or unkempt. This doesn’t work for anyone’s brand personality.

Displays incorporating interactive elements are becoming trendy, but these can be too busy. If you offer homemade soaps, for example, a bright screen from a large tablet with information about your product may be visually intrusive, while a screen in a store that sells video games is not out of place.


Shelves, display stools, counters, light fixtures, and furniture can all enhance or detract from your store’s atmosphere. For example, if your brand’s personality is rugged, you can use dark wood and metal furniture throughout the store to enhance that image.

In contrast, if you use a lot of glass and gold accents, your store may be perceived as sophisticated while your brand is perceived as rugged. That dissonance may not work for shoppers.


Of course, customers need to see the products, but lighting can have a deeper psychological impact than just keeping everything visible.

In 2007, researchers conducted a study involving more than 980 people. They measured how much light they were exposed to during the day and how they felt. The researchers found that people felt the worst when the light was either much too dark or much too bright. However, when the light was considered “just right,” they felt healthier and happier. 

You can hire a lighting design company to help you measure the available light and create the right mixture of overhead and eye-level light to keep customers happy. You can also ask your designer for lighting that feels warm (not bright) to keep customers feeling comfortable.


The colors you choose inside your retail environment could impact the way your customers think, feel, and behave. For example, researchers say the following colors tend to have the following impact on those who see them:

  • Red: Stimulating
  • Orange: Enthusiasm 
  • Yellow: Creativity 
  • Green: Rejuvenation 
  • Blue: Trustworthy 
  • Purple: Empathy 
  • Pink: Calming 

Researchers say that capturing a customer’s attention can mean putting contrasting colors behind brightly colored products. For example, if all of your products are in yellow packages, blue walls might be best,

You could also choose colors that fit your brand promise. For example, if you sell products that are designed to create excitement (like party favors), red walls could be helpful


Some retail environments (like bakeries) are naturally infused with scent. However, researchers say that all environments, including those that have no product-associated scent, can benefit from adding a smell. 

The most effective scent, researchers say, is one that could be associated with your brand. For example, if you typically cater to women, floral scents could be helpful. If you sell something like Western wear, using a leather scent could be wise.


Simple background tracks can enhance your customers’ moods, pace, and positive feelings about your brand.

For example, in 2003, researchers played different types of music to consumers in a restaurant over 18 evenings. They found that classical music led to higher spending when compared to other kinds of music, like pop. 

However, in 2020, researchers played different types of music inside a restaurant. These researchers found no differences among genres overall. However, they found that channels playing pop and traditional tunes did seem to influence purchasing behavior. 

Studies like this demonstrate that music preferences can vary, depending on your environment and your brand.

Finding music associated with your brand personality is key. Understanding your customer base’s musical preferences will help you create the perfect sonic experience for them.

How to Play Music in Your Store

Music is another atmosphere and ambiance tool you can put to good use. Getting started is relatively easy.

Find the Right Equipment

A receiver pulls music into your shop, and speakers push it out again. It's tempting to push your new tools to the limit, but it's important to keep any sound at a reasonable level. You want customers to hear you and one another, so don't drown them in sound.

Work With a Talented Partner

You need music for your store, but are you getting these songs legally? Most business owners can't simply plug in a computer or turn on the radio to entertain their customers. You must work with a company that manages music copyright law.

At Pandora CloudCover, we've contracted with some of the largest brands and artists in the business. If you've heard a song that's perfect for your brand, we probably have that song ready for you to play — without worries about a lawsuit.

We also offer dashboards and metrics, so you can ensure your music is really working for your community. Contact us to get started.

Music & Atmosphere in Your Store FAQs

What type of music encourages shopping?

It depends. The best music for your shoppers will closely match your brand. If you're creating a luxury experience, you might stick with classical tones. But if you're hip and edgy, rap might work best.

Think hard about what your customers will like, and how it might sync with your brand, and you'll find the perfect mix.

How do I choose the right music for my retail store?

Start by thinking hard about your brand. What words would you use to describe it? How do you want your customers to feel? Then, move into genres. What musical genre also could be described with the terms you've chosen for your brand?

Remember that you're not required to stick with the playlist you launch. Ask your customers and staff for feedback, and make adjustments as needed. You'll soon find the mix that's just right.


Report: The State of Consumer Behavior 2021. (January 2021). Raydiant.

Brand Personality: What Is ‘Brand Personality’? Investopedia.

5 Tips for Creating an Appealing Store Atmosphere. (March 2020). VisualRetailing.

Creating a Store Atmosphere that Your Customers Will Enjoy. (June 2019). CustomerThink.

Consumers Value Stores’ Appearance and Atmosphere. (April 2014). Marketing Week.

Putting Your Customers in a Buying Mood. (September 2015). Smart Retailer.

How to Choose the Right Music for Your Retail Store. (June 2016). Humanity.

The Role of Product Color in Consumer Behavior. (2015). Advanced Social Humanities and Management. 

The Impact of Light and Color on Psychological Mood. (February 2007). Ergonomics. 

Use of Scent in a Naturally Odourless Store. (April 2009). Emerald Insight. 

The Effect of Musical Style on Restaurant Customers’ Playing. (September 2003). Environment and Behavior. 

The Sound of Music on the Pocket: A Study of Background Music in Retail. (September 2020). Psychology of Music.

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